
10 Reasons Why Vision Weekends are Important

10 Reasons Why Visions Weekends are Important:
  1. Protected intentional time with each other
  2. Makes sure that you are on the same page and going the same direction
  3. Fosters emotional intimacy and bonding
  4. Encourages you to dream big, write down goals, and make actionable steps to accomplish everything together
  5. Reminds you of your “why”
  6. Excuse to splurge on a fancy dancey date night 💃🏻🕺🏼
  7. Time to reflect, be present, and give thanks!
  8. Allows you to hold yourself accountable to reaching your goals
  9. Something to look forward to year after year
  10. Helps you to position your heart in the direction of the cross and gives you intentional and directed prayer over your past year and your future year


This past weekend was our 2nd Annual Tompkins Vision Weekend.

husband and wife on bridgeDrew and I intentionally blocked off 2 days and made plans to sit down and take a deep dive into our past year and plan for the years ahead. Not in like a controlling our destiny kinda way, but more of a- check in, be present, and take a look around- give thanks- kinda way. We looked back at the goals that we wrote down heading into 2019 last year and looked at what we accomplished/if we changed our vision throughout the year.

We prayed prayers filled with gratitude for the abundance that 2019 brought us and prayed for discernment and direction heading into 2020.

Next, we dreamed about days when we would be chasing around sets of little feet, what we hoped to give our children throughout their school aged years, and what we dreamed our empty nesting years would reflect.

husband and wife smiling with pretty light

Most of all, we recounted how we saw God’s faithfulness and thumbprints all over our 2019 and vowed to intentionally be alert and seek His continued presence in our current day to day lives. Maybe I should have made this the number one reason of 10 Reasons Why Visions Weekends are Important!!!

Our talks went deep. We started a new book called  A Year of Us: A Couples Journal: One Question a Day to Spark Fun and Meaningful Conversations by Alicia Muñoz LPC   and set a goal to answer at least 7 questions a week in the book. We also made arrangements to talk with a Transformational Coach bi-weekly to encourage emotional intimacy and growth in our marriage.

Finances- Finances- finances. It’s taken us 4 years to find a comfortable stride in our roles with our finances, but after this past Vision Weekend I think we both agree that we have never felt more in synch and motivated to steward our finances well in 2020.

Drew feels productive when we work with our hands. So we carved out time to finish up some loose house tasks and worked as a team to accomplish them. Our walls now look like we live here and not like we just moved it. he! ☺️

Then we got all dressed up and SPLURGED (with money from a piggybank in my closet) on wonderful 3 course steak dinner at Ruth’s Chris. We chatted for another 2 hours- no rush- no where to be. Just presently hanging out with each other.

10 Reasons Why Visions Weekends are Important

On Sunday we worshipped together from the comfort of our couch at home- all snuggled up. Then we went for a relaxing stroll around the neighborhood park. And we finished our day surrounded by family and dreaming of the big goals ahead for all of us.


Last year, we accidentally had a vision weekend because we were ALL OVER THE PLACE. Drew and I felt like we weren’t in just different chapters, but completely different books. And so we had a little family meeting to communicate. Vision weekend last year wasn’t a super sweet time, in fact it was pretty darn difficult. But our communication and willingness to have those conversations set us up for a pretty great 2019. Because of the growth and the closeness we experienced from our 2019 Vision Weekend we were both excited for VW2020. 


God is so good. I’m so thankful that Drew’s heart is positioned towards serving Christ and loving me so well because of that. We are young in a marriage and we know we both have a lot to learn, but I’m proud of us for having the courage to have hard conversations, pray and invite God into our marriage, finances, jobs, home, and relationships. And I’m super proud of us for not being afraid to dream big and then make small steps daily towards those life visions.


I want to encourage you to do this too!! If you are single, married, starting a new business, in business for 50+ years, happy in your season, frustrated in your season- you can do it. 
Don’t be afraid to sit down, reflect on where you are at, dream big about the future, and then make actionable daily/consistent steps to get you there. And if you are on your way and your vision changes, don’t be afraid to swerve. 


I wish you the best for all your visions and pray that my 10 Reasons Why Visions Weekends are Important inspired you to plan your own Vision Weekend(s) in the days to come!


 If you are interested in planning your own vision weekend and would like to know more specifics about what has worked best for Drew and I so far, contact me! I would love to share everything I know and encourage you! 



Ryn Loren

10 Reasons Why Visions Weekends are Important

engagementsessioninnature 10 Reasons Why Visions Weekends are Important


Shoutout to Sarah Swainson Photography for these photos! Check out more of her epic work! Thanks, Sarah! ❤️

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